Mutation Exclusions
Requires pitest 1.17.0 or above.
Provided by the arcmutate-base plugin.
Pitest provides two built in mechanisms to exclude mutations from analysis
- By method name
- By annotation
Although straight forward to use, both mechanisms are coarse grained, excluding all mutations from entire classes or methods.
Arcmutate Exclusions
Arcmutate provides two additional methods to exclude mutants.
- By code comment
- By external file
Both mechanisms allow more fine grained exclusion of mutations.
Excluding by Code Comment
Excluding by code comment is enabled with the exclusionscan
Mutations can then be prevented by placing a trailing comment on any line of code
void foo(int a) {
if (a > 10) {
System.out.println("will not be mutated"); // NO PITEST
Comments can take the form
Both java and kotlin are supported.
Excluding by External File
Excluding by external file is enabled with the exclusion
The plugin will then search both the test source tree and the pitest reports directory for files with the extension .pitest
Handed edited exclusion files should be placed in the root of the source directory. e.g.
- src/test/java
- src/main/java
Only files within the root of these directories will be resolved. They cannot be placed in subdirectories.
The list of directories examined are those reported as source roots by the build system. For gradle builds, depending on how they have been configured, only the src/main/java may be examined.
Programmatically generated files which you do not wish to check into source control can be placed in the reports directory.
The exclusion file have a simple csv format
file, clazz, method, mutator, line start, line end
Where each field is glob.
To disable all mutations within a project wildcard globs could be used
*, *, *, *, *, *
More usefully, all mutations on line 7 of the class Foo might be disabled.
*, com.example.Foo, *, *, 7, 7
Or only mutations from certain mutators in certain files., *, *, RETURN_VALS, *, *
*Repository*.java, *, *, NULL_RETURNS, *, *
Note that the filename does not include a path. If the same filename is used within multiple directories, the exclusion will apply to all matching files. It is not possible to use full paths in this field as only the filename is retained in the Java bytecode. In most cases it is therefore preferable to match using class name, as this is fully qualified.
You may also wish to include a second wildcard entry to catch any mutations declared within inner classes.
*, com.example.Foo, *, RETURN_VALS, *, *
*, com.example.Foo$*, *, RETURN_VALS, *, *
Lines starting with a #
character are treated as comments.
# Remove conditionals created issues in defensive code we are scared to remove for this class
*, com.example.Foo*, *, REMOVE_CONDITIONALS*, *, *